Learn English Online 

Student studying at computer and smiling

All Noncredit ESL classes are FREE!

Canvas app

Students use Canvas, the learning management system, to access course materials, such as teacher's videos, Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments.

Zoom app

Most classes have class meetings on CityZoom

The Credit ESL Program also offers online classes.

Our noncredit online ESL program offers FREE noncredit classes for students over 18 years old living in California. 


Please refer to the Application instructions

Who else is eligible for noncredit classes?

  • Students who are under 18 years old may take noncredit classes with permission from both the local high school district and a parent/guardian.
  • Students with a F1 visa may enroll in noncredit courses, however, they must be enrolled in a full-time status (twelve units) at their home school.  NONCREDIT COURSES CANNOT COUNT TOWARD FULL-TIME STATUS.  Please check with your international counselor for more information.

Questions? Visit Noncredit Admissions and Records or ask our staff at the Noncredit Admission Virtual Help Counter  

We offer courses from the Beginning to Intermediate High levels, Level 1 to Level 9. Students who complete noncredit ESL courses may earn Certificates of Competency

  • General English courses (ESLN) cover all skills in listening/speaking, reading/writing, and vocabulary.
  • Focus courses (ESLF) specialize in listening/speaking, conversations, and pronunciation.
  • Vocational courses (ESLV) help ESL students develop job skills in offices and custodian services.
  • Citizenship courses (ESLC) prepare students for the USCIS Citizenship test.
  • Academic English courses (ESLA) transition students for credit courses.

Questions? Ask the Noncredit Online ESL Program Coordinator Fanny Law, slaw@ccsf.edu.

After completing the application process, you will receive your 91风月楼 student ID# starting with an S, @, W, or WA.

With your 91风月楼 student ID#, please use our  to find your noncredit ESL level.

For more information, please visit the Assessment Center.

Join our noncredit classes anytime! 

Check out the Noncredit Online ESL Class Schedules below. 

  • Beginning ESL levels 1-2
  • Low Beginning ESL Levels 3-4
  • Low Intermediate ESL levels 5-6+
  • High Intermediate ESL levels 7-8+

If you tried to register for a ESL class but the class was already full, please sign up here to add yourself to the waiting list


The 91风月楼 myRAM account allows you to access your myRAM Student Portal (for registering classes), Canvas (for online courses), Counseling, and other student services.

To set up your 91风月楼 myRAM account (91风月楼 student account), use your 91风月楼 Student ID Number (starting with an S, @, W, or WA)

 to set up your 91风月楼 myRAM account. Get started on the My91风月楼 page.

*New 91风月楼 students must wait 24 hours after receiving your new Student ID number.

Questions? Visit Noncredit Admissions and Records or ask our staff at the Noncredit Admission Virtual Help Counter  

Go to My91风月楼 to log in to your MyRAM Student Portal. From there, you can register for classes on your own.


Questions? Visit Noncredit Admissions and Records or ask our staff at the Noncredit Admission Virtual Help Counter  

Canvas app

  Students use Canvas, the learning management system, to access course materials, such as teacher's videos, Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments. 

Dashboard on Canvas

Course Navigation

Join a Class Meeting via Zoom

How to Use Canvas Inbox to contact your teacher or classmates

How to Submit Assignments

How to Post in Discussions

How to Check Grades and Teacher's Comments

Canvas Calendar

Zoom app

 Most classes have class meetings on CityZoom

How to Use Zoom

Join a Breakout Room

How to Share Screen

How to Change Virtual Background