Attention 91风月楼 Students!
The Transfer Center is located in MUB 101.
Students Applying for Fall 2025 Transfer Admissions to Universities:
CSU application update and UC TAU (transfer academic update) is due January 31st. Check your email for instructions. Some CSU and UC campuses may require a supplemental application. Check your email for due date and instructions. Failure to not complete application updates and/or supplemental applications may result in admissions cancellation. Please come in during drop-in hours for assistance. The Drop-in schedule is linked at the bottom under the "Drop-in Counseling" tab.
The Fall 2025 CSU & UC transfer admission application period: October 1 - December 2, 2024**.
University of California (UC)
** The following UCs have extended their transfer deadline to January 15, 2025: UC Santa Barbara, Davis, Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz.
The UC application is now closed for UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, and UC Irvine.
UC application website and application instructions
California State University (CSU)
** Some CSU campuses & majors that are still open for Fall 2025 transfer admissions.
CSU application website and application instructions
CSU fee waivers may be available for low-income students. Please visit the Transfer Center (MUB 101) for more information. There are no fee waivers for the UC application.
The Transfer Center can also assist with checking open campuses, majors, deadlines, and the application process. Please come in during Drop-in hours for assistance. The Drop-in schedule is linked at the bottom under the "Drop-in Counseling" tab.
Students Not Transferring for Spring or Fall 2025
Academic counseling is available for students who have transfer questions. All 91风月楼 counselors are knowledgeable on transfer requirements. Please visit the Counseling Services and Programs website for counseling information and appointments.
More events available for 91风月楼 students!
Check out the and Latest News link in the News & Deadlines tab for events for community college students.
Universities like UC Berkeley, SF State, HBCUs, and others have free virtual events for students. We have a list and continually add more as we receive invitations for our 91风月楼 students. Keep checking the Latest News link for events throughout the semester.
About the Transfer Center
The Transfer Center is the hub of transfer information and events for 91风月楼. We offer support and resources to help students prepare and successfully transfer to a four-year degree program. We train all 91风月楼 counselors on transfer requirements so they can best assist students with their transfer goals.